Thursday, April 10, 2003

como eu odeio essa minha tristeza!!como eu queria que ela viesse sozinha ou em outra hora...
é terrivel lidar com essa bipolariadade de extremos tao distantes.sim,porque eu não consigo sofrer meu sofrimento simplesmente, e as grandes alegrias que tem me vindo sao ofuscadas,recusadas e me fazem eu me odiar por nao poder senti-las do modo como é merecido a elas!!
va pra longe angustia que nada me deixa sentir,ao mesmo tempo que trasforma meu mero coraçao em uma montanha russa!
porque tristeza maio que a tristeza é a de trasformar minhas tao preciosas alegrias em uma sofrida busca por sover o maximo desesperadamente delas!
...e eu queria estar alheia...porque a dor da impotencia me cansa e enfraquece,porque mesmo tentado sou frustrada, e quanto a esse sentimento, somente posso esquece-lo levando,ou tentando trazer possivel(?) felicidade aqueles que tanto amo...e quando chega esse momento é que ocorre minha maior felicidade,que é também a perdiçao
longe entao de mim todos esses sentimentos!
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!IARA ME DESCULPA FOI SEM QUERER EU JURO!!!!quer dizer,foi por querer...mas nao com ESSA intenção...."

Sunday, April 06, 2003

isso eh q eh filme...

Dust Brothers and Tyler Durden- This is Your Life
Gentlemen, welcome to fight club

And you open the door and you step inside---we're inside our hearts.
Now imagine your pain is a white ball of healing light.
That's right, feel your pain, the pain itself, it's a white ball of healing light.

I don't think so. This is your life.
Good to the last drop, doesn't get any better than this.

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.
This isn't a seminar and this isn't a weekend retreat.
Where you are now you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like.

Only after disaster can we be resurrected.
It's only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything.
Nothing is static, everything is appalling, everything is falling apart.

This is your life. It doesn't get any better than this.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
We are all a part of the same compost heap, we are the all-singing,
all-dancing crap of the world.

You are not your bank account, you are not the clothes you wear.
You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your bowel cancer.
You are not your Grande Latte. You are not the car you drive. You are not your fucking khakis.

You have to give up, you have to give up.
You have to realize that someday you will die, until you know that you are useless.
I say let me never be complete. I say may I never be content.
I say deliver me from Swedish furniture! I say deliver me from clever art.
I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth.
I say you have to give up. I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may.

This is your life, it doesn't get any better than this.
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You have to give up.
You have to give up. Welcome to fight club, if this is your first night, you have to fight.